Having looked through the list of estate issues, they are broadly the following:
- A significant number of street lights are not working – notably down Manhattan Way (9 issues).
- The parking issues on Monticello Way, especially those parking on the verges churning up the grass/mud (8 issues).
- The damage being done by the lorries that drop building materials off near Philmont Court, eg sign damage and grass verge (6 issues).
- Damage to a number of bollards on the estate – some of which are not even concreted down (3 issues).
- Damage to a couple of planted trees (2 issues).
- Open compound (2 issues).
- Greenbelt (2 issues).
- Speeding vehicles (1 issue).
The list above will be reviewed with other members of the Residents Association, just to ensure the right audience (Greenbelt, Persimmon, Council or local Councillors).
If anyone still has not reported an issue that they believe needs attending to, then please log it here. Do not worry if someone else has logged it.