Fibre Update -Northern Side
If you happen to live on the newest part of Bannerbrook Park (ie on or just off Astoria Drive), by the end of March 2019 we should all be able to order Fibre To The Premises (FTTP).
Therefore, if your broadband contract is nearly up and you would like faster broadband services, then please hold off setting up a new contract with another provider that locks you in for another 12-18 months on standard broadband (ie up to 17Mb if you can get that!).
The Northern side of Bannerbrook Park was in the last 2% of Coventry residents who could not get more than 30Mb broadband. With the scheduled FTTP rollout across Coventry, the Residents Association successfully argued for access to fibre and not be left behind.
As soon as we know more, we will let you know. In the meantime, do not sign up for a new deal. 🙂