To ALL Residents on the Northern Side of Linear Park
As you are all aware by now, we have to pay an Annual Maintenance Charge to a company called Greenbelt.
They issued the invoices to cover the period Sept 2018 / Aug 2019 on the 8th October 2018, giving us until 8th November 2018 to pay. Payment before that date should not incur a late payment charge of £21.00, so please follow the advice below.
Greenbelt have issued invoices to each property totalling £100.37. You may get a bill that is greater than this if you have not paid anything previously including late payment charges. Additionally you may find it is £2.40 cheaper if you have paid in full online previously.
To date you will be aware that we have managed to achieve adoption of Linear Park with the council and the removal of the SuDS area (behind Delta Close to the new roundabout). However there are some charges which are still in dispute, namely the actual Admin charge being more than 50% of the annual charge. These are being disputed by the Residents Association.
If we do not contest these now, there are no laws capping what future maintenance fees could eventually spiral to, thus potentially impacting the value of our properties and saleability in the future.
Therefore at this time, Friday 19th October 2018, the Residents Association advise all residents to pay the annual maintenance charge, but indicate that you are “paying under protest”. If you do not mention that you are “paying under protest”, you will not have any comeback against Greenbelt.
In terms of payment, we advise you to set up a Direct Debit / Standing Order (your preference) and pay in 10 monthly instalments, rather than pay the full amount up front. You may n
We also advise you, the resident, to send an email to the following contacts to help our continued fight with both Greenbelt and Persimmon, subject “Bannerbrook Park – AMC – Paying under protest” along with the attachment here (change yellow highlighted areas including your name, address, date and signature):
- TO: Greenbelt –
- CC: Persimmon –,, and