We are looking to send out newsletters in the future. To enable us to do this we need to know your email address.
You can sign up in one of two ways:
- On our web site homepage on the right hand side.
- Or if reading this post on Facebook on your PC, you will see a Residents Email Signup link on the left hand side.
Once you have subscribed you will be sent an email to the email address you specified at signup and confirm the details.
We have a combined list of around 260 email addresses from those that have either given their email address to the Bannerbrook Action Group, been added by the Bannerbrook Residents Association or written it on a piece of paper at an open Residents Meeting.
If you do not wish to be included on the mailing list, please email info@bannerbrookparkcoventry.co.uk and we will remove you from the list we hold. The deadline for this is 13th November 2016. After that we will add the list of email addresses we hold. If you subsequently would not like to receive newsletters from us, then please click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of the future newsletters.