There are now only two weeks to go until the new General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) comes into effect on 25th May 2018.
As some of you have already seen, we have sent emails out asking you to update your profile information (email address, first name and last name) and to opt in to allow us to continue sending you our newsletters and emails associated with Bannerbrook Park. To date 152 out of the 313 registered have opted back in, but we need you to opt in should you wish to continue receiving emails from us.
A final reminder will be sent next week to update your profile and opt in for those that have missed this post.
So from 25th May 2018, if you want us to stay in touch, then you will need to opt in to allow us to record your consent under the new General Data Protection Regulations covering the European Union. We will then only send communications to those who have opted in.
For those who may think this does not apply, it has already been stated by the Government that the UK will adhere to this new law once we leave the European Union. In fact, the UK were instrumental in tightening up the legislation around Data Protection!