Bannerbrook Residents Association

Residents Association Minutes – 13th November 2018

Bannerbrook Park

Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November at 7.30pm in the Massey Ferguson Social Club

Present: Phil Richardson (Chair), John Askew, Lorna Hancox, David Askew, Chris Carey, Alvin Russell, Nick Johnson, Julia Lepoidevin , Peter Male, Sandy Warr,  Stuart MacNeil, Chris Hocking, Wes Mather.

Apologies: Marek Kurowski, Caroline Mackinnon and Sam Wickins.

Minutes of last meeting – Approved.

Massey Ferguson Cricket club pavilion.

John and David Askew and Lorna Hancox joined us from the Masseys Cricket Pavilion. The facility is now open but not quite signed off from Persimmon. Café open at weekends with breakfast. Football for juniors happens on Saturdays and Sundays. They are planning to join with Coventry and Warwickshire cricket club.

Function room is available for hire parties and events. It holds 60, with a bar, hot and cold food. Financially viable but there are some security problems at the moment. There are plans to engage children and young people from the Bannerbrook estate in sport.

People can contact or for more information.

BRA were invited to visit the Pavilion 1pm this Sunday 18th November.

Stuart MacNeil to add a plug on Bannerchat.

Phil updated that Bannerfest 2018 could confirm the overall profit from that event as £684.51. Phil to arrange transfer to Lily Mae Foundation from BRA account. 

BRA Update inc. petition for Council adoption.

Peter Male advised that the petition for council adoption had been presented at council, awaiting to hear when it will be raised at a cabinet member meeting.

Nick advised that we had advised residents to pay the Greenbelt bill  “Under Protest” and in instalments.  In addition, a “10 minute Bill” is being presented to parliament tomorrow (14th Nov) regarding new build estates with these issues. Looking to abolish charges such as this Greenbelt charge that we are levied with.

Alvin updated us that the Greenbelt map with the new bill is now correct. However, we have no clarity on what work is being done and when.

Financial accounts for the Bannerbrook management company have been published for the management account with a profit of £4900. Alvin to send list of Q&As to Phil/ Nick.  

Congratulations were offered to Alvin for fostering a positive dialogue with Greenbelt, and for the forward strides made in addressing the issues with the bill.

Police Update

Weds 5th Dec 6pm is next meeting at Fletchampstead Police Station. Sandy hoping to attend.

Bannerwatch Update

Attempted robbery of a BMW on Sunday. Stuart to write article on barring garden gates.

Planning Update inc. Woodlands/ Woodfield Development

SEND education in the city is on high demand in the city. Proposal is to sell Woodfield and it’s primary school site and use money to refurb Woodlands. Part of Woodlands may be sold for housing if extra money is needed. Community space was also being touted as part of the new development, which it was agreed would be welcome.

BAG Update

Stuart to find out who the parking ticket company are who’ve put up signs up at the car park.

Events past and present: Lantern Walk 9th Dec.

All welcome, planning meeting is taking place 28th Nov at the Penny Farthing for anyone wishing to help.

Any Other Business (AOB)

Cov Telegraph Article negative press (

Sandy/ Peter to raise issue at next Police meeting.

Phil to write letter to Telegraph to contest.

Website: We agreed unanimously to move to the BRA website to

Several queries have come via the website, including about the Philmont Court flats.

Newletter due to come out very soon.

Fibre: Success! Fibre is due to arrive on whole of north of estate by end of March 2019. Chris C and Nick have now met with Openreach who have confirmed this, could be sooner.

Congratulations were offered to Nick for all his hard work in gaining Fibre access for the area of the estate that was lacking it.

Date of next meeting

Date of the next business meeting is January 8th, 7.30pm at Masseys.We also agreed to have a few Christmas drinks on December 11th, 7.30pm at Masseys, all welcome.